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What Businesses Need to Know About Copyright Ownership

Getting a company off the ground is often a race to profitability. Company assets are quickly created by founders, family, friends, employees, and contractors. When the smoke clears and the company's assets are scrutinized, the owners of the intellectual property created may not actually be the company.

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Is Hello, World Copyrighted?

The Hello, World program is usually the first program students write when learning a new computer language. It's been reproduced and modified countless times since its debut in The C Programming Language. Is Hello, World protectable under copyright law?

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Deli Meats and the Provisional Patent Application

Provisional patent applications are useful tools for protecting inventions in certain situations. However, like deli meats, provisional applications can cause more harm than good if used incorrectly.

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How to Review a Utility Patent Application

You just received an email from a lawyer asking you to review an attached patent application draft. You're not a lawyer and are not familiar with the legal requirements for a patent application. What kind of feedback is the lawyer looking for? How do you give meaningful feedback quickly?

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How to Use Trademark Symbols

You've probably seen tiny symbols next to trademarks; the TM, SM, and Ⓡ symbols. These symbols are used to convey trademark ownership. It's important to use the right symbol with the right type of mark. Here's a quick summary of how each symbol is used.
